External Scholarship Committees

We are in the process of switching from FIMS to SLM (yeah!!). Our current scholarship system entails a separate committee for each scholarship managed internally. We will be streamlining these to a general committee and some focused on specific fields of interest (i.e. all medical related scholarships will share a committee). My issue comes in that some of our scholarships utilize external committees held at the local high school in which that particular scholarship is for (and we have 12 high schools!).
My questions is as we go thru this conversion process -- does anyone still allow external committees to exist or did you pull them all internally when converting to SLM? If remaining external, are they notifying you of recipients via SLM or another method (i.e. paper/email)?
Thanks so much for any insights you can provide.
I am not sure if you are using the universe or not. We do not, so this could be all wrong if you do!
We have a lot of different committees, including high school counselor committees. It's not too difficult, for each process, evaluators are chosen in the set up of the process.
We use a two tiered evaluation system, so Evaluation 1 is the external commmittee, whereas Evaluation 2 is our scholarship manager, Executive Director, and final decision committee. When an application makes it through round 1, it is assigned to Evaluation 2, and all others are closed.
Again, this probably does not work in the universe!
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Hello @LacieNeal,
I echo what @MollyCerroni has said. 😁 We offer use of our SLM site to a number of grassroots organizations such as Rotary and the Lions Club. I set each group member up as a Staff Evaluator and then link those individuals ONLY to the applications they should have access to. We keep Eval 1 for these groups and then Eval 2 for any internal staff who may need to complete evaluations.
I don't recommend a hybrid online/offline scenario. We have one group that insists on this method and they get a fair amount of duplication. Students apply through the SLM site and then turn around and submit physical copies of the same applications directly to the organization. It creates too much work for both the student and the Evaluators.
We also do not use the Universal Application.