Grant Acceptance Forms & Best Practices

MadiSyring Posts: 11 ✭✭✭
Volunteer Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Foundant Scholarship Management+ Certificate Second Compass Anniversary
edited November 2023 in Grants & Scholarships

Hi All,

I am reaching out for your best practices when it comes to signing grant acceptance forms. Currently, our Foundation has a grant acceptance form built out in GLM that is assigned as a follow-up form. Below are the questions that we ask regarding authorization to sign/accept.

Most often, we find that the person who is writing the grant tends to be program staff or a grant writer and not someone who is allowed to enter into contracts for the organization. That is why we have this workflow if you will.

I would love to hear how your Foundation manages this process! Thanks 😊


Authorized Consent*

Have your informed your President, Executive Director or Principal of the grant program/project and received their authorization to accept the grant award?


Yes, I am the authorized person

Yes, the authorized person has given consent

Authorized Person*

Name and Title of Authorized Person:


I acknowledge that the appropriate personnel, including the executor of this grant, have read and understand the terms and conditions of this grant. I further accept and will comply with those terms and conditions.






  • AnitaForester
    AnitaForester Posts: 8 ✭✭✭
    Groundbreaker Third Compass Anniversary Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) First Comment

    Our Foundation uses a similar verbiage following the contract. I like your wording better, especially the first question and might start using this too---"Have you informed..."

    Anita Forester, Grant Programs Administrator

    Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida

  • LaceyMatney
    LaceyMatney Posts: 7 ✭✭✭
    LGBTQIA2S+ Third Compass Anniversary Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) Summit 2024

    We promote the Collaborate feature and provide a link to its instructions. It is our hope this empowers the Assignee to add a Collaborator/co-worker to complete the form(s) if they are not the right contact.

    Just curious about your workflow: I'm guessing your Grant Agreements are not Follow Up Forms in Foundant?

  • KathyMorris
    KathyMorris Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Conversation Starter Third Compass Anniversary Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) First Comment

    Thank you for sharing this! I also like your first question.