West Coast Clients Represent!

Hey all,
As one of only a hand full of Foundant employees in the Pacific Time Zone, I'd love to connect and help you all connect. If you want to, comment below with your name, title, organization and location. I'll start!
Alyse Barrios Braaten
Manager of Client Services- Grants and Scholarships
Foundant Technologies since 2017 (community and private foundations prior to that)
Bakersfield, California
Alyse Braaten | Manager of Client Services – Grants & Scholarships | www.foundant.com | Bozeman, MT
alyse.braaten@foundant.com | Direct: 406.922.3376 | Cell: 661.364.1012
Hi Alyse! And hello to all!
Mike deHilster
Program Officer
Pasadena Community Foundation (2014)
Pasadena, CA
Mike deHilster
Client Success Consultant | Community GLM/SLM | success@foundant.com | Foundant Technologies
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Hi Alyse and Mike,
Happy to meet fellow west coasters! We are a CF up in Northern California.
Ann Butterfield
VP for Finance and Operations
Community Foundation Sonoma County
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I'm a part-time PTZer since AZ doesn't transition to daylight savings time and I'm spending a good chunk of my time in AZ these days. (It was awesome to tease folks in the Montana office in January but I'll get payback next week when the forecast is calling for 105+!) Being in the PT gives me lots of new empathy for how significant the time difference is from Eastern Time and how challenging it can be to schedule meetings across the country.
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I would love to have more connection to other csuite users and CF friends!
I'm at Jefferson Community Foundation out on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula.
Alecia Kleiner
Manager of Funds and Operations
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Hello West Coasters! I'm new the the CF world and am just beginning my CSuite training to implement Foundant. Excited and daunted all at once!
Abbey Cameron
Executive Director, Three Rivers Community Foundation
Benton/Franklin counties, Washington
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Hello Fellow West-Coasters and WELCOME to Foundant! You'll find a ton of discussions here in Compass on every topic you could want. If you don't see it, you can create it.
To connect specifically with your pacific time zone colleagues, this is a great place to start.
Alyse Braaten | Manager of Client Services – Grants & Scholarships | www.foundant.com | Bozeman, MT
alyse.braaten@foundant.com | Direct: 406.922.3376 | Cell: 661.364.1012
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Hello Left Coasters! Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe! I am in LA working at Dan Murphy Foundation. Looking forward to the discussion here in Compass!
Cathy Heutmaker
Grants Administrator
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Hello from the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation in Portland, OR!
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Hi @soniamarieleikam, and welcome to Compass! I wanted to let you know we also have a faith-based organization discussion category if you want to introduce yourself there as well, or start a new discussion!
Here is that category (in Philanthropic Best Practices>Faith-Based Organizations)
Community Manager
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
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Hello everyone! I am from the BIGGEST state of the nation! Looking forward to connecting.
Stefanie O'Brien
Senior Program Officer of Grants & Scholarships
Alaska Community Foundation
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Happy Thanksgiving, folks! I'm in Southern California and joining the conversation 😀
Ai-Hsien “Allie” Carreón
Program Manager
Pasadena Community Foundation
Pasadena, CA
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Welcome to Compass, @AllieCarreon!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
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Hi All,
Excited to join the conversation! I just joined a brand new Foundation serving the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties). Looking forward to connecting!
Sara Omari
Special Programs Manager
IEHP Foundation
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
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Elena Keltz
Grants & Scholarships Associate
Humboldt Area Foundation & Wild Rivers Community Foundation (since 2017)
HAF+WRCF has offices in both Bayside and Crescent City, CA and serves three counties in Northern California and one county in Southern Oregon.
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Welcome, @SaraOmari and @ElenaKeltz! I hope you're out of the way of the wild California weather I've been hearing about!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
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Hello from San Diego! Rest Haven Children's Health Fund provides funding for health-related issues for underserved children in San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Cass L. J. Kaminetz (she/her)
Executive Director
Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund
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Welcome @CassKaminetz!
Curious - anyone in this group attending the Regional Training in Portland in June?
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@SaraOmari we currently have 29 people registered for the Portland Regional Training event! While we have trainers living all over the country that will come in for the event, we are also fortunate to have two based in Vancouver, Washington who will be leading the GLM/SLM sessions.
@CassKaminetz @ElenaKeltz @AllieCarreon @StefanieOBrien @soniamarieleikam @CathyHeutmaker @AleciaKleiner @AnnButterfield @AbbeyCameron Will you be joining us for the Portland Regional Training?
Registration Link: Portland Regional Training- https://info.foundant.com/2023-06-05PortlandRegionalTraining_RegistrationLP.html
Alyse Braaten | Manager of Client Services – Grants & Scholarships | www.foundant.com | Bozeman, MT
alyse.braaten@foundant.com | Direct: 406.922.3376 | Cell: 661.364.1012
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I wish that I were joining the training - we weren't approved to go this year -maybe in 2024!
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@AlyseBraaten - unfortunately I won't be at the Portland training but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Summit 2024!