Using Google translate

We have a large Spanish-speaking population of students, but our organization doesn't have the resources to have our entire scholarship application translated for this year's application cycle. We're thinking of promoting the Google translate feature to help reduce barriers for these students. Has anyone used Google translate for scholarships? What positives/negatives did you see?

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  • LisaStachulaLisaStachula Posts: 51 ✭✭✭
    Solution Finder Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 5 Answers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @AndreaRecek ! We do have a couple of clients that utilize Google translate and can be a good resource for you. Feel free to reach out to @JulieMott for more information on how they use the feature in their processes.

    Also, here is an article we have on the feature, in case you haven't seen this yet:

    Good luck!


  • AndreaRecekAndreaRecek Posts: 7
    Conversation Starter First Compass Anniversary 5 Likes First Comment

    Thank you! That's helpful

  • AndreaRecekAndreaRecek Posts: 7
    Conversation Starter First Compass Anniversary 5 Likes First Comment

    Thank you for your comments!

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