Grant Policy

MarianClowes Posts: 4
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edited January 6 in Grants & Scholarships

One of our projects for this year is to develop a written, comprehensive grant policy. We have some policies in writing and practices that we follow but need to get them in a single document that covers all of the important items.  By this, I am not referring to our external grant guidelines intended for those who apply for a grant, but rather internal documents that provide our staff with guidance on all things grant-related (e.g. in addition to things like eligibility requirements and types of grants offered also things like reporting requirements and  how to handle things like indirect costs, grant extensions, multiple requests from one organization, costs incurred prior to the grant period, etc.)

If any of you have a written grant policy (or maybe its “policies”), would you be willing to share that with me? Much thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.

Marian Clowes

Sisters Health Foundation