Grants Policy
I posted this earlier as a question but didn't get much traction, so I thought I would post it again as a discussion. One of our projects for this year is to develop a written, comprehensive grant policy. We have various policies in writing and practices that we follow but need to get them in a single document that covers…
Collection of Audit Files
For the beginning of this year, we've decided to look for better ways to utilize the Foundant reporting feature to track the presence of various files for use in auditing procedures. So far, we've been uploading the files (acknowledgement letters, check/transmittal letter, and approval documentation) to the Documents tab…
Best practice for inviting applicants to apply
I am working with a Foundation that is implementing Foundant. Although they will import historical data, that will happen after go-live. Currently, they offer a single stage, invite only application. We've been exploring the options for inviting applicants to apply, and would like to poll other foundations for their best…
Expenditure and Check Approval/Signature
Our CF is in the process of updating/reviewing our internal processes and procedures regarding check signing approval/signature for both operational (AP) expenditures as well as grant/scholarship checks. We are a CF with assets of around $200m, total FT staff of 20 and a Finance department of 4 FT staff (CFO, Dir of…