ACH Payments

SallyCox Posts: 6 ✭✭✭
Music Fan Third Compass Anniversary Combo Breaker U.S.A.

We are in the process of having all of our grants paid ACH and are looking to have our scholarship payments paid ACH as well but I did hear that some colleges and universities still prefer check. Has anyone been successful in getting colleges and universities to make the switch to ACH? Also, are there any community foundation's paying all grants and scholarships 100% ACH?


  • SaraNickels
    SaraNickels Posts: 3 ✭✭
    DEI Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) Second Compass Anniversary First Comment

    Hi Sally! I'm very interested in this topic. We are in the same position as you, with most of our grants going ACH now. Hoping someone else will add to this conversation!

  • laylaboyce
    laylaboyce Posts: 2
    Third Compass Anniversary First Comment

    Hi. Our Community Foundation is in the early stages of preparing to have scholarship payments paid ACH. Was your transition to ACH for scholarship payments successful? Do most of the colleges prefer ACH over paper checks? I would love to hear how this new process was executed. Thank you!

  • MicheleMcKinney
    MicheleMcKinney Posts: 13 ✭✭✭
    Wine Connoisseur Third Compass Anniversary First Comment 5 Likes

    Also following, we've transitioned with regular grantees and vendors but not the scholarship recipients yet and looking to move that way too.

  • SaraNickels
    SaraNickels Posts: 3 ✭✭
    DEI Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) Second Compass Anniversary First Comment

    I have a progress update. We included a memo with all of our 2024 scholarship checks— explaining our transition to ACH and asking colleges to let us know their process for receiving such payments. We had about 15 respond. Some just sent me a bank letter with all their information. Some had other special instructions. Only one response was a hard no. Definitely planning to do the same this year.

  • laylaboyce
    laylaboyce Posts: 2
    Third Compass Anniversary First Comment

    Thank you, Sara! Do you mind sharing the memo that you sent?

  • SaraNickels
    SaraNickels Posts: 3 ✭✭
    DEI Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) Second Compass Anniversary First Comment

    Sure, Layla— here it is. We printed it on bright yellow paper, and I included my contact information in the signature. I was surprised by how well it worked.

  • SallyCox
    SallyCox Posts: 6 ✭✭✭
    Music Fan Third Compass Anniversary Combo Breaker U.S.A.

    Thanks, Sara for sharing your memo! Your memo is similar to a letter we mailed to all our grantees, vendors, and colleges/universities. We are still in the process of collecting ACH information for our scholarships. We did have a few hard no's. We were able to secure most of our PA schools by either calling or emailing the finance office.