Funding Our Future: Solutions for Youth Mental Health Philanthropy

The data is clear: now is the time for philanthropy to invest in youth mental health. But in this complex and uncertain landscape, many funders are struggling to find the way forward.
In light of the youth mental health crisis, Mindful Philanthropy embarked on a journey to understand barriers to philanthropic investment in youth mental health as well as ways to overcome them. Using surveys and qualitative interviews, we collected perspectives from a national sample of funders to identify top challenges and concerns that are holding funders back from funding solutions in youth mental health. We also identified five key solutions to move the field forward.
Mindful Philanthropy’s latest report, Funding Our Future: Solutions for Youth Mental Health Philanthropy, explores barriers and key solutions to philanthropic investment in youth mental health. In this resource, developed with the support of the Morgan Stanley Children’s Mental Health Alliance, you’ll find data snapshots from our research, as well as deep dives on each of the five solutions. We hope that these insights will help you get started in youth mental health, or further your impact in this area if you are already investing.
To download Funding Our Future: Solutions for Youth Mental Health Philanthropy, visit:
Read our 2-part related blog post at: