Resources for Funding Women and Girls' Mental Health

Last month, Mindful Philanthropy launched our new initiative, With Her in Mind

Mental health is the leading cause of disability for women globally, and it affects outcomes in many other issues that funders care about. Yet, women and girls’ mental health remains overlooked and undervalued by philanthropy. Investing in this area can not only create individual benefits but also drive broader economic and societal change by reducing healthcare costs, increasing workforce participation, and promoting the overall well-being of families and communities. 

Investing in Women and Girls’  Mental Health is a Smart Bet is our new resource that highlights data on the disproportionate mental health burden that women and girls bear, and how investment in this area can create a positive ripple effect for society at large. Download this resource here:

Funders and philanthropic leaders dedicated to supporting women and girls can achieve a greater return on investment and lasting impact by incorporating mental health into their giving strategies. 

Want to support this initiative? Stay tuned in the coming weeks and months for more updates on With Her in Mind

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