Amaze your Friends: Tech Tricks & Resources
Favorite Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Shift+Space: Select an entire row Ctrl+Space: Select an entire column Ctrl+Shift+Plus: Insert a new row or column above or to the left of the selected row or column Ctrl+Minus: Delete the selected row or column Alt+Plus: Calculate the sum of selected cells Ctrl+9: Hide selected rows…
Incentivizing Fund Adviser Portal Use?
Colleagues - We are hoping to garner some more enrollment/usage on our Donor/Fund Adviser portal. How have you all gotten higher rates of enrollment? Matching? Prize drawings? Open to lots of options and ideas! Thank you!
Video Applications
Hi Everyone! Our organization will soon begin accepting Video Applications from our applicants (they will have a choice to submit applications online, as a hard copy, video, etc). I was hoping to see if anyone could share any tips or best practices around accepting, tracking, and managing these applications. For instance,…
Newsletter New Look (and best practices)
New year, new look - share your thoughts on our redesigned newsletters! Does your organization send out a newsletter? Share your best practices!
Requests for calls
Reaching out to see what you do when nonprofits request calls with your Foundation. I receive approximately 10-15 requests per month and typically spend 20 minutes with each. These "get to know you" calls can take place over Zoom, in person or the telephone. Is this typical for Foundations to receive this many requests per…
Meetings, Events and Anniversaries… what works and what doesn't?!
-Does your foundation host an annual meeting? How do you make it impactful year after year? -What is most important to keep in mind for celebrating big anniversaries? -Do you host special events that have been particularly popular? -How do you engage non-donors in your community?
Cybersecurity Awareness Month - "Do Your Part. Be Cyber Smart"
Cybersecurity Awareness Month was launched by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in October 2004 as a broad effort to help all Americans stay safer and more secure online. I am sharing a resources that I am using for additional internal cyber security awareness training…
Video Applications and Reporting
Hi Foundant Community! I am reaching out to see if anyone here has experience with video reporting submissions? We are specifically looking at having our partners submit a video as part of their annual report, more like a programmatic update as to how COVID has impacted their work. We are looking into the logistical…
Website Designer
Hello! As we embark on the Foundant transition, one of the items we identified as necessary is to employ a web designer to create the necessary pages to offer the donor portal, grantee portal, donate page, etc. Would anyone be willing to share the web designer they used and their experience? We are located in the Dayton,…
Hybrid In-person/Virtual Meeting and Workshop Equipment
Hello everyone! At the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council we are slowly reopening our office and will be holding our first in-person board meeting in September. For the past 17 months we have held every board meeting, panel review, and workshop in a virtual environment via Zoom. As we move towards more in-person events we are…