GIFTVII Matching Gift procedures for CSuite
This topic came up in a Foundant meet-up discussion yesterday. If anyone has any procedures for how they processed the match in CSuite for GIFT 7 that might be useful for people to utilize for GIFT 8, please share! I have procedures I can share once I'm able to review and clean them up a bit.
Agency Fund Third-Party Donations
Hi am interested to see how you are treating your third-party donations to agency funds. Are you setting up a separate designated fund for these donations or are you including them in the original agency fund? Additionally, if you are including them in the original agency fund are you keeping track of what donations are…
Indiana Regional Training CSuite slides
Sorry for the wait everyone! Here are the long awaited slides from Greenfield:
Grant Type
Good morning! We migrated to CSuite two years ago and have waffled with whether to leave the grant type blank for internal grants to funds that then make external grants. EX: Fund ABC makes internal grant to Fund XYZ then, Fund XYZ makes external grants to orgs. The concern is that over time a historical grant pie chart by…
CommunitySuite Networking & Chatting - Greenfield, IN Retreat
Welcome! Share takeaways, ideas and ask questions :)
Greenfield Indiana Regional Training Slide Decks
Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to participate and attend my sessions! I am including my slide decks below. Some contain resource links if you are interested in further information. Best, Marius