

  • Re: Using Standardized Test Scores to Evaluate Scholarship Applicants

    We don't ask for standardized test scores as none of our individual scholarships require certain scores. We do ask for GPA (and are currently figuring out how to balance weighted and unweighted GPAs)… (View Post)
  • GPA Requirement

    Hi everyone! Many of the scholarships we offer have a GPA requirement, so we ask for GPA in the general application phase. Traditionally, we have asked for an unweighted GPA since that is the most co… (View Post)
  • Community Indicator Reports

    Hi all! I received lots of good help and feedback on my last post, so I thought I'd post again. We are looking in to conducting a community indicator report/needs assessment for our region. I know a … (View Post)
  • Bequest Best Practices

    Hi there! I am hoping to learn more about bequest practices from other community foundations. I am curious as to what internal forms/process are used by other foundations? Is there anything others ha… (View Post)