Closing a fund in an invested pool/strategy
1) What are your procedures for closing a fund that is currently in an investment pool? 2) Do you have a policy that explicitly states these procedures that the fund holder receives/signs off on as part of the onboarding process (i.e. Fund Agreement and/or Terms & Conditions)? If so, could you please share? Our current…
Allocation of investment earnings for large intra-month donation
We receive monthly statements from our investment custodian with the monthly earnings/losses/etc. that are then put into CSuite to be allocated to our various funds. CSuite calculates the average daily balance of the fund and then assigns that fund a percentage of that month’s investment activity. Hypothetically, if a fund…
Tax/Gift Receipts - Advisor Portal
We are new to CSuite as of June '22 and still working through some new process and procedures. One item that we were excited about was the functionality of tax receipts being auto-uploaded to the fund advisor portal after they were processed. However, it came to our attention that either we weren't properly trained or…