Tax/Gift Receipts - Advisor Portal

We are new to CSuite as of June '22 and still working through some new process and procedures. One item that we were excited about was the functionality of tax receipts being auto-uploaded to the fund advisor portal after they were processed. However, it came to our attention that either we weren't properly trained or misunderstood exactly how this process worked. For family funds (i.e. DAF's) we established each advisor (example: husband and wife) as unique users to the fund so they could each have their own access. We thought that this was a positive. The problem that we've encountered is that when new donations that come from their "household" profile (almost 100% of the donations are from both husband/wife collectively), that the receipt doesn't show up on either of the fund advisor profiles. Foundant has informed me that the system looks only for donations that come from the profile that is logging in (i.e. the household, which doesn't have a fund advisor login). It seems odd to me why the receipt wouldn't populate for the individuals that are part of that household.
Has anyone else run into this same issue? Any workarounds? I hesitate to go back to all of our family funds and make them setup another login and confuse everyone as to why.
Thanks for your help!
Hey Ryan, there's an Idea Lab post for this exact issue. We also have our fund advisors set to the individual profiles (which we think makes the most sense in the event of a death, divorce etc) but couples often give as a household. I don't have a work around but voting on the Idea Lab post might help:
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Thank you, Julie! I'm happy to hear that I'm not alone. I've already gone in and voted.