Donations Postmarked before End of Year
What are your common practices for inputting donations that have been postmarked before the end of the year, but are not deposited to the bank until the New Year?
Advice for using & implementing Nonprofit Directory
Hello colleagues and happy new year! We will be implementing the Nonprofit Directory later this year and would welcome any advice, suggestions, or lessons learned from those of you using it. A specific question I have is this: Do you have a maximum time length (i.e. 90 days, 6 months, etc.) you keep funding…
Donations via Donor Portal
Do you ask permission from your fund creators if they want their fund 'promoted' in order to receive donations to the fund, or do you automatically make that an option for all funds?
How do you reverse a donation?
We have a donation posted to a Profile which is actually from several Donors. We need to reverse the original donation and post the correct donations. (We have posted a negative donation amount and this works, but we've found you can't edit a negative amount in the Donation record.) How do you post a reversal of a donation?
Recurring ACH donations
Does anyone use Stripe to process recurring ACH donations? Is there a way to link these donations to a promise or pledge?
Donor Recognition Policy / Stewardship Strategy examples?
Hello! Here at the South Sask Community Foundation are currently reviewing/revising our donor recognition policy and stewardship strategy. If you have a copy of either you would be willing to share, that would be greatly appreciated! Most curious to know how you segment donors for stewardship: by giving amounts, by type of…
What is the best way to enter stock donations if you do not sell the stock?
We received several shares of different stock from a donor and our investment manager decided not to sell some of the stock. If I enter the information in public securities, I have to then "sell" the stock in CSuite. Should I only enter what was sold and then enter the other portion as "other payment?" This is the first…
Anniversary year
Hi all, Next year is our 35th anniversary and we're trying to think of fun and impactful "gifts" to our various constituents - grantees, scholarship recipients, donors, and the broader community. Has anyone done anything like this? Other anniversary ideas you would like to share? We are likely not doing a big event but…