POLL: What time of year does your organization prepare its budget?

Are you on a calendar year budget and do your budget planning in the fall? Does your fiscal year end in May and you work through budgets early in the year? Vote in this anonymous poll, and share additional details on your processes below!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
POLL: What time of year does your organization prepare its budget? 58 votes
We're on a fiscal year of 7/1 to 6/30 and start our budget review process in March.
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We operate on a calendar year budget, and development begins in September but may not be approved until October or November -it fluctuates based on Trustee availability for approval.
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We also use the calendar year; next's year budget is developed after Q3 closes (for the most up-to-date guess on next year's expenses) and passed sometime in November.
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Calendar year. Much easier all around. Budget prepared in August/Sept/Oct., goes to Board for approval in November.
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Our FY is July 1-June 30. Our standing committees begin the budget process in late February and wraps with Board review/approval in May.
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Our budget process begins after the 3rd quarter close (we are calendar year). Goes to board in November for review and then feedback received from board, any changes are made and final approval takes place at December board meeting.
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We begin in 4th quarter.
My previous organization depended on school contracts (September fiscal year) and city funds (October fiscal year), so the forecasted and P&L's were always in an awkward flux.
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Our fiscal year runs July 1 - June 30. Staff begins budget process after March month-end close with Audit & Finance Committee approval in May and board approval in June.
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We are on calendar year. Budget process begins October.
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I voted other: we are on an April to March Fiscal Year. We prepare our budget in January/February/March and it gets approved by our board in March.
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March & April for budget prep, May Finance Committee & Board approval, for FY beginning July 1.