Award/Payment Notifications for Grantees

Looking for inputs, workflow and/or templates, on how you might be using GLM to notify your Grantees of a new award or a payment that has been issued.
We are a Community Foundation using GLM/SLM and C-suite, and processes over 1,000 grants a year under both unrestricted and Donor Advised. We are looking to fully use the template functions in GLM and C-suite.
We have in mind, after meeting with fellow Community Foundation, to use Follow-ups to share grant conditions and outcomes with our Grantees for our unrestricted grants. Wondering if anyone is doing so at the time.
Thank you,
Juana Baribeau | Associate Grants Operations Manager
Pronouns | she, her, hers
Juana Baribeau | Grants Process Analyst
Pronouns | she, her, hers
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
(860)548-1888 x1011|
10 Columbus Blvd, 8th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106
CONNECT WITH US:Website | Facebook | Twitter | News
We do not have C-suite but I just create email templates in the system and then send out the email to the grantees when they are awarded/declined. For payment confirmations, I just send them an email outside of the system. We generally create a new template for each process but I have pasted a couple examples below. We only use Follow-ups for grant reports/extension requests and use Adobe Sign to have grant agreements signed electronically, which we then upload under the Documents tab. Hope this is somewhat helpful!
Good day {{Applicant.FirstName}},
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that your grant application for the CFVI Youth Programming Mini Grant opportunity, for the project titled {{Request.ProjectName}}, has been approved in the amount of $1,000.
We will be sending you a grant agreement (via email to sign electronically using Adobe Sign) that lists all grant guidelines, including reporting requirements. If the email address receiving this email is not the one who will sign the grant agreement, please let me know. Once we receive the signed grant agreement back from you, we will process the grant payment to your organization via check. Please respond to this email and confirm the mailing address for your organization.
Congratulations on being selected! We look forward to seeing your project succeed.
Dear {{Applicant.FirstName}},
Thank you for taking the time to submit your grant application to the USVI Humanities Projects opportunity for your project titled {{Request.ProjectName}}.
I regret to inform you that after consideration by the Review Committee (comprising community members familiar with the humanities, arts, and culture), your grant application has not been selected for funding. Selecting recipients from an outstanding and varied group of applicants is always a challenging task, and the foundation simply does not have enough money to award all of the proposals submitted for consideration. Priority was given to those projects that most closely aligned with the intent of the funding to enrich the lives of people throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands through humanities education, lifelong learning, and public humanities programming.
Please keep an eye out for any future funding opportunities that may align with your project by following us on social media and/or signing up for our mailing list.
We appreciate the time and effort that went into the development of your application and we wish you well in the work you are doing.
CFVI Staff
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Hi Juana,
I know your original post is a few years old so I'm interested in how you decided to approach this as my organisation is very similar. We also process over 1000 grants a year which are a mixture of donor advised and other.
Currently we input everything in CSuite and then send to GLM as a request in Application Draft status. We then ask all our recipients to login and sign an agreement and provide their bank details so we can pay them - (this is on the application form).
Once they're submitted their form we approve for payment and assign follow up forms etc. We are hoping to switch to sending out grant letters instead of grant agreements but will continue to use GLM to code all our grants to our internal taxonomy.
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Hi @GabbyLam,
We're still exploring ways on how other users are using the system but since my post, we've started doing our award letter for grants from unrestricted funding in GLM. This allows us to pull the information of the applicant, grant period, and follow up due dates. Our "payment" letters are being sent through CSuite using the Grant Letter template. we're manually generating the documents to be sent, though we are exploring using the automated email that would be triggered, which would include the letter, as our Finance teams post the check.
For DAF grants, we currently create templates outside the system, though we plan to use the CSuite in the new year. We'll be using the advance Grant Letter template as it contains the fields we need to combine grant, payment, and advisor information. All our DAF grants are sent to GLM in application complete, those grantees don't complete anything in GLM. We've developed a form through HelloSign (dropboxSign) to collect ACH information. Majority of our DAF Grants get paid at award. We only do signed award letter for matching grants.
Hope this help, happy to talk further!
Juana Baribeau | Grants Process Analyst
Pronouns | she, her, hers
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
(860)548-1888 x1011|
10 Columbus Blvd, 8th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106
CONNECT WITH US:Website | Facebook | Twitter | News