Calculating Admin Fees-Using Average Daily Balance or Average Trailing Quarters

With the market declining so much in the past 2 months, I am looking at how our Admin fees are calculated. We have been using the Average Daily Balance option, but since I reconcile only once a month, the system thinks the balance stays the same until the end of the next month. This has resulted in higher admin fees than I think should be charged. I am thinking that Average trailing Quarters would give a more accurate calculation?
Can you tell me which calculation you use and why?
Joan Consani
Blue Mountain Community Foundation
Hi Joan,
Great question! I'm curious to know if anyone is considering a change because of the down market.
One thought (and perhaps you've done this!) - could you calculate admin fees like normal in CSuite, then change the admin fee calculation to use average trailing quarters and calculate them again? That way you could compare differences between the calculations without having to post either set of fees.
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Hi Rosie, Yes I did do that and the trailing quarters method admin fees totaled more than $10,000 less. I think that is more accurate and I am going with that calculation. Even though it provides less money for our operations, I don't want to hit these funds with higher fees during this time.