Scholarship funds for wraparound services

Good afternoon,
I have a question about some of our affiliate scholarship funds.
Have you ever applied variance power to named scholarship funds to provide wraparound services to students? We would like to change these funds since the affiliate has a Promise Zone that will be able to provide 4 years of full tuition starting next year.
What wraparound services do you provide for students (i.e. assistance with transportation, daycare, etc.). Do you administer the payment of wraparound services yourself or make a grant to another agency? If you handle this on your own, do you require that students complete an application for the services?
Any insight would be helpful.
Thank you!
I would be happy to share our experiences launching and administering the PCF Scholars Program that provided flexible spending/emergency funds. We collaborate with and grant to the college foundation who administers the flexible spending money and bookstore vouchers. Students access funds via email request with backup documentation. We have learned that making the additional support available is often not enough and that it does take a certain level of communication and connection with what we call "a caring informed adult" to effectively reach students. During the pandemic, we discovered several students did not have computers or Wifi. We were especially glad to have the flexibility to pay for computers and internet and allow them to stay in school. Please feel to reach out and I can share what we have learned.
Kate Clavijo, Ed.D.
Senior Program Officer
310 East Colorado Blvd,. Suite 810
Pasadena, CA 91101
626 796-2097 x7
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Foundant has a great webinar coming up tomorrow with a client that does an amazing job at wrap-around services. You can learn more and register here:
Alyse Braaten | Manager of Client Services – Grants & Scholarships | | Bozeman, MT | Direct: 406.922.3376 | Cell: 661.364.1012