Scholarship Committee Member Job Description

AmandaWilliamsAmandaWilliams Posts: 4
Groundbreaker Second Compass Anniversary 5 Likes
edited November 2022 in Grants & Scholarships

Here is our job description that we provide our scholarship committee members at the beginning of each scholarship cycle. I have not updated this with the new timeline that we'll be working with COVID-19, but we still intend for them to be able to do their scoring entirely online and not have a need to meet in any way to make selections.


  • AlyseBraatenAlyseBraaten Posts: 63 ✭✭✭
    Solution Finder Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes

    Thank you for sharing Amanda! This is so helpful! Do you mind if people use your language and just adjust it for their own needs?

    Alyse Braaten | Manager of Client Services – Grants & Scholarships | | Bozeman, MT | Direct: 406.922.3376 | Cell: 661.364.1012

  • AmandaWilliamsAmandaWilliams Posts: 4
    Groundbreaker Second Compass Anniversary 5 Likes

    Happy to share and hope others find it helpful! I don't mind in the least if others use my language and adjust for their own needs.

  • KellyMartinkaKellyMartinka Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Rule Breaker Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary First Comment

    Hello! @AmandaWilliams - do you have a conflict of interest form that you have your committee members sign? If so, would you be willing to share that? Thank you!

  • AmandaWilliamsAmandaWilliams Posts: 4
    Groundbreaker Second Compass Anniversary 5 Likes

    @KellyMartinka that's a great question, right now, some of our committee sign one because they are on the Foundation's Board, but in current state, we don't have our scholarship evaluation committee members only sign one.

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