Best practices - Evaluating Grant Applications

BettieStammerjohnBettieStammerjohn Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
Foundant Fan First Compass Anniversary 5 Awesomes First Comment
edited November 2022 in Grants & Scholarships

Being new to Foundant Grants - this is our first year - I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for doing an informative and useful application evaluation process for the reviewers?

We've always used a simple worksheet. Going online with our grant applications, we changed up the application.

I want to develop a process that will help the reviewers look between the lines and truly assess the project on its merits and potential impact.

I keep looking at my applications and coming up blank.

But I'll be honest - I've had a head cold for the past week. I'm tired and worn out from this pandemic and I just can't think strategically. So I'm hoping you all might have some suggestions that will get my mind back in gear

Thanks for your help (and my apologies for TMI)

Bettie Stammerjohn

Executive Director

Community Foundation of Greene County, Pennsylvania


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