Automatic address correction?

CaroleTarrantCaroleTarrant Posts: 2
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edited July 12 in Grants & Scholarships

So apparently our student scholarship applicants don't know where they live. Is it a street, a road, a boulevard? And nevermind about pesky capitalization. ZIP code? Oh boy! :)

Anyone else with SLM suffer through this and know if Foundant has consider that auto address correct function you see elsewhere on the internet, where you start typing your address and then just affirm what's correct?

P.S. I'm brand new here so apologies if this has been asked/answered before. Couldn't find it in searching.


Carole Tarrant

Virginia Western Community College Educational Foundation


  • GrettaKrausGrettaKraus Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    World Traveler Second Compass Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Hi @CaroleTarrant

    Be sure to submit your suggestion to ldeaLab so our product owners and engineers see it and can consider it! It's also possible someone has already uploaded this idea! Here is the How-To link!

  • MollyCerroniMollyCerroni Posts: 46 ✭✭✭
    Foundant Fan Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Second Compass Anniversary 25 Likes

    We do have a few students who can't bother to capitalize or use punctuation. A few spell their own names incorrectly. I forward applications on to the reviewers just as they come in. Enough typos are going to work in another student's favor as to winning the scholarship!

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