FAFSA Delays

Hello! I'm struggling with deciding how to best move forward with our scholarship application due to the FAFSA delays. We typically ask students to upload a copy of their FAFSA Student Aid Report and have them input their Student Aid Index found on the report. The problem is that many students have submitted their application but won't have that information available to them until after the scholarship application closes due to the delays. I know a lot of organizations have pushed back the scholarship deadline but I'm curious how that affects the rest of the scholarship process (evaluation, awards night, awarding the scholarships, etc.). I'm new to my Community Foundation and would appreciate any advice or insight someone could share about how they are mitigating this issue.

Thank you!


  • DanaBerggren
    DanaBerggren Posts: 39 ✭✭✭
    Referral Rockstar Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments


    I tagged you on another thread that has many suggestions about how to handle the recent changes and delays.


  • robertsonadams
    robertsonadams Posts: 5
    Second Compass Anniversary Regional Training First Comment Photogenic

    Our scholarship application deadline is Monday (3/4) and we're planning to send a follow-up of some kind to ask students for their SAI on about April 1. Not reeeeeally sure this is going to work within SLM though.

  • TammyKerch
    TammyKerch Posts: 5 ✭✭
    Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary Summit 2024 First Comment

    Our application closed on February 1st. We have SLM and we made the SAI question optional. We asked students to email us their summary by March 18th. As I receive the information, I'm editing the students' application to include the SAI. I will keep the actual summaries separate for now, and as I have time, attach the summaries to the student's profile.
