DAF letters to advisors regarding pledges

Hi. We are looking to update our wordage in our letters to our DAF advisors regarding pledges. Specifically, the United Way pledges. Does any have any examples of their letters that they are willing to share? Thank you in advance!



  • LaurelShulmanLaurelShulman Posts: 81 ✭✭✭
    Voter Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments

    Interesting. We do not allow pledge language in any of our grants so this might not be helpful. The language in our DAF grant letter to grantees is as follows:

    "By accepting this grant check, your organization certifies to the Foundation that:o No tangible benefits, goods, or services have been or will be received by the donor(s) or related persons or the Foundation in exchange for this donation, such as event tickets, school tuition, membership fees or goods purchased at an auction.

    The donation will not be used to fulfill a legally binding pledge which the donor(s) or related person(s) or the Foundation is obligated to fulfill.

    Your organization is in compliance with the Foundation's Donor-Advised Fund Due Diligence Policy:bit.ly/3kNdrDno.

    In any publication of donor recognition by your organization, the donation will be listed as “the CraigeFamily Fund of Triangle Community Foundation.” We encourage you to include a link to the Foundation website (trianglecf.org) on your organization’s website. "

    We recently enabled the Donor Portal and added this in our Grant Confirmation Text checkbox (fundholders have to select this at every grant they submit): "I certify that this grant distributed from my donation will not fulfill a legally binding pledge. Further, neither I, nor any other individual, will receive any goods, services or other private benefit as consideration for the amount of the contribution."

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