Grant Type

TammyKerch Posts: 5 ✭✭
Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary Summit 2024 First Comment
edited July 2023 in Finance & Operations

Good morning! We migrated to CSuite two years ago and have waffled with whether to leave the grant type blank for internal grants to funds that then make external grants. EX: Fund ABC makes internal grant to Fund XYZ then, Fund XYZ makes external grants to orgs. The concern is that over time a historical grant pie chart by grant type could be skewed if there are grant types for both the internal and external grants.

Do you enter a grant type for the internal grant in this example? Any insight is appreciated.


  • JenniferBrambley
    JenniferBrambley Posts: 34 ✭✭✭
    Groundbreaker Third Compass Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    We created separate grant types for internal grants that are specific to what the grant is supporting. We mainly receive internal grants for specific programs we manage.

    For example, we have a holiday fund program and receive internal grants to support it. We use the grant type "Holiday Fund" so we can identify those grants easily in case we want to do any special reports on those kinds of grants. We generally don't include internal grants on quarterly grant reports since the money is staying in-house. Also it would just skew the numbers since a lot of the internal grants are being spent externally at a later date.

  • TammyKerch
    TammyKerch Posts: 5 ✭✭
    Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary Summit 2024 First Comment

    Thanks, Jennifer. This is very helpful!

  • MissyBelles
    MissyBelles Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
    Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes

    Well, we don't want to duplicate our grantmaking numbers so we don't report grant codes on internal grants, however there are times where a code would be good, e.g. i-equity or i-HS if the funding is then going to go out as a vendor payment or something like that.


  • TammyKerch
    TammyKerch Posts: 5 ✭✭
    Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary Summit 2024 First Comment

    Thanks, Missy.