Ability to download shared templates in Compass
Hi all, I would love to be able to create a shared space in Compass where we could add templates or processes and procedures to share. Would this be possible to add to compass point and would others support this idea? Please forgive me if this should be in idea lab :) Thanks, Mary Ellen
Merged fields in TY letters
Hi! We are retooling our TY letters for the new year. We currently used merged fields such as name, address, donation amount, fund name, date, check #, etc. We would love to be able to merge the fund purpose (current CSuite field) into the TY letter as well. Is that a possibility? Any tips greatly appreciated. Thank you…
Successor advisor form
Does anyone have a successor fund advisor form that they could share? This would be a form that a fundholder would complete to make clear their wishes should they pass away. And what is your process for collecting them?
Looking for a general "intake form".
Can anyone share a link to or attach a general "intake form" that your foundation uses for an initial call or email about starting a scholarship or new fund.
Donor Handbook
Does anyone have a Donor Handbook or collected materials you could share? This would be specifically for stewardship of new fundholders - something you may provide them that explains fund administration services, policies, fund statement examples, how to fundraise for their fund, an outline/timeline of how/when funds reach…
Single Third Party Invested Funds
I was wondering if anyone had a policy/handbook available that they use for investment managers who have clients that want have the investment manager continue to invest the funds, but the account becomes a charitable fund with the foundation? I know that there are foundations that have gone down this route successfully…
Restrictions/policies when permitting non-endowed or flow through funds?
We have a policy that an Endowed Fund must be started before we permit a non-endowed or flow-through fund to be established. We are revisiting this, however. I am curious as to whether other Foundations permit non-endowed/flow through funds to be established on their own, and if so, are there policies or terms of reference…
endowment examples
Would others in the community foundation world be willing to share draft endowment agreement language with me? We are considering opening an endowed fund for a rural hospital foundation. My community foundation wants to review the current draft agreement and is looking for examples to review as part of this process. My…
Process for changing fund types?
Does anyone have a checklist or process to share regarding internal due diligence and process steps for changing fund types? We have fund holders with Donor Advised Funds who have relinquished their right to advise on the DAF and requested that it be used to support either operations or grantmaking. At that point, it…
Fund has an assigned template tracking
We are going to start selecting a few funds that will have assigned grant letter templates. Or rather we are going to start adding funds to a few special grant letter templates. If you do this please share how you accomplish the following: 1) How does your grant processor know a template is assigned to the fund so they…