Fund has an assigned template tracking

We are going to start selecting a few funds that will have assigned grant letter templates. Or rather we are going to start adding funds to a few special grant letter templates.
If you do this please share how you accomplish the following:
1) How does your grant processor know a template is assigned to the fund so they don't overwrite the template assigned to the fund? We can see the Grant Letter field, it is empty through out the process of creating the grant. We have over 1000 funds that can grant, if the template doesn't populate the field, how does the grant process know not to overwrite it?
2) not all staff have access to templates - by looking at the fund record we can't see the template that fund is assigned to. How do staff know that fund has been assigned a template if they can't access the template module
Thank you!
Appreciate anyone's input on these questions. Also please vote here:
When creating a grant in CSuite, the grant letter template field just displays "edit". Even if a fund has been assigned a template in system data, there is no way to know what grant letter will pull. If a template has been assigned, it would be nice if that template name displayed in the grant under Grant Letter template.