Best Of
Indirect Costs
I am looking for input on how other funders handle indirect costs in grant budgets. I would be interested in any perspectives or policies that anyone can share. I know that there is a lot more discussion out there right now on recognizing the full cost of projects and allowing for more generous indirect cost rates.
Marian Clowes, Sisters Health Foundation
529 Plans to pay scholarships
Hi! Our Community Foundation is looking into paying scholarships through 529 plans to help avoid aid displacement. Do any other organizations pay scholarships this way? Has it been helpful in reducing aid displacement? Thank you!
Re: Does anyone else have challenges with unidentified stock gifts?
It's rare these days but we do have this from time to time. Our development team, similar to @tammysprow, tells our donors to let the Development team know when they are planning a gift of stock. Our VP of Development typically sends an email to our investment manager and those involved in gift processing (Development, Admin, Finance) to tell us what is coming and that it's approved to liquidate once received etc.
Re: Stripe Fees
We do not have a separate fund for stripe fees, it all goes to the fund the donation is for, whether they are covering the fees or not.
1099s - What software do you all use to do the 1099s?
As we use CommunitySuite for our accounting software, we do not use Quickbooks, can you all share suggestions please?
thank you
Grants Policy
I posted this earlier as a question but didn't get much traction, so I thought I would post it again as a discussion.
One of our projects for this year is to develop a written, comprehensive grant policy. We have various policies in writing and practices that we follow but need to get them in a single document that covers all of the important items. By this, I am not referring to our external grant guidelines intended for those who apply for a grant, but rather internal documents that provide our staff with guidance on all things grant-related (e.g. in addition to things like eligibility requirements and types of grants offered also things like reporting requirements and how to handle things like indirect costs, grant extensions, multiple requests from one organization, costs incurred prior to the grant period, etc.)
If any of you have a written grant policy (or maybe its “policies”), would you be willing to share that with me? Much thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.
Marian Clowes
Sisters Health Foundation
Scholarship Successor Advisors?
Hello everyone! Our scholarship program at The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation is celebrating 30 years and we are starting to have a generational shift. The individuals who signed the original fund agreements would like to "pass their scholarship" on to the next generation of their family. What policies do you have in place for successor advisors for scholarships? Specifically advisors that would be able to make changes to the criteria of a scholarship. Currently, the donor(s) who signed the fund agreement is the only person who can make material changes to the scholarship. Family members can be involved as evaluators following IRS guidelines and can receive updates and information about the scholarship, but they cannot make material changes. Thanks in advance for your input!