Yani, How is the international scholarship process going? I have learned more about our international students and am happy to share.
@AlyssaHazzard We make scholarships by semester and record the scholarship in the year it was actually paid. I have a process for the academic year, so the grants for one student in one academic year straddle two tax returns since we are on a calendar tax basis. In our case, each student must provide their previous…
Bonjour from New Orleans! We are a family foundation that provides scholarships to dependents of employees in the USA and in 7 additional countries. The employees work for companies owned by the trustees of my foundation. I have a separate Foundant account that manages the scholarships and keeps them separate from the…
On their initial application or even on the follow-up you can add a required question with only one answer...'yes'. Make the question something like, 'I confirm that I have added @grantsadministrator to the safe-sender list in my email account. I understand that missing emails may result in not receiving payments on this…
Add a radio button question.. Yes, I have added @grantinterface to my known email. Maybe that will help.
I completely agree. I have started texting from my MAC. The parent as the user in my case because it is a scholarship for children of employees, which helps. Each family only has one account and then they can start a new application for each child and they are all together under the employee file. Anywho, I also have tons…
Yes, L3c, the low-profit entity. We are making a grant to the organization. We are not structuring it as a loan and we are using our standard grant agreement. The organization is keeping a seperate fund for the specific investment that we are making. The organization has a financial advisory board and an academic oversight…
We make our checks payable to both the school and the student. But we also allow the student to draw out any over payment on their fee bill. I provide the student with a letter to give the school stating that we agree they can withdraw the funds. The student must pay taxes on the amount. Lisa B. Williams
Kathy, Thanks for the details, very helpful. For standing grants throughout the year, this is exactly what I am trying to do...simplify the standing grants process. Capture the donor recommended changes = go through the entire list at the meeting as of now. This is what I am looking for ideas on how to change this process.…
We write the check to the student and the school jointly. Theoretically the schools will not release the remainder or overage unless we send a letter approving it. Thanks for asking.
I hope these are helpful. It is a work in progress.
Bettie, For reports, I actually use the merge file function to print the information out for the trustees books. It looks like the old printed version of an application. It is on one summary page with some quick information that I know is most important for the trustees. The summary includes, how much have we given in…
Linda, Many thanks this is all very helpful.
Bettie, I am doing the same exact thing right now. This is my first scholarship grants cycle with Foundant and I am not accepting anything paper. I developed a short video to explain the process. I also have created very detailed slides that show users how to log-in. If anyone would like to borrow the slides, I have…
Wow! Thank you so much for this information. This is incredibly helpful!
We have a few grants that the board approved contingent on the event taking place. Many have have been postponed to a fall date. I haven't written anything formal to these grantees, just let them know via email that we will wait until the event occurs. Some were for camps, still waiting to hear if they will actually…
Hey! What do you mean by grant extension? Are you paying more or extending your due date?
Yikes. If the board member is not technology savvy then maybe they had the CEO sign it for them. It could be harmless. Have you asked the board officer about their knowledge of the grant agreement? It seems like a reasonable person would understand the possible appearance of the action as being nefarious.