People and Culture Job Descriptions
Would anyone be willing to share their People and Culture job descriptions? Thank you
Join the Final Countdown to 5,000 Members! 🌟
We're on the final stretch to reaching 5,000 members in Compass. We are currently at 4,950 members, and we're offering a special raffle for the next 50 people who join us! Referrals count too! If you bring in team members from your organization, you’ll get an extra chance to win. Just make sure you request the Referral…
alternative to deceasefinderrecord?
We are looking into other platforms that are similar to but not DeceaseFinderRecord (Blackbaud). Do you use a platform to search for deceased information for records in your database? If so what do you use? Are the results reliable?
Contact List Management
How do others deal with external and internal contact list management, between Foundant and Excel for example?
Electronic Signatues
Aside from working at Foundant, I am also involved with small local nonprofit. We are looking for inexpensive way to collect electronic signatures for our Volunteer agreements and Harassment policy forms. Any great suggestions?
What techniques have you used to sound more assertive when doing cold calls with prospects?
Hello, I recently had great training regarding fundraising prospecting and cold calling. My background is programs and customer service and my feedback was that I sounded like a recording and I could be more commanding. I was giving energy that said "you can get rid of me." It was a great lesson because I realize I need a…
GLM - Duplicate Filing Systems
Our foundation transitioned to Foundant around 2015, and since then, it has continued to file requests, follow-up submissions and communications processed through Foundant on our network drives as a backup. Any information collected or generated outside of Foundant is saved in our "efile" for the organization, and a copy…
Preparing for Post Award Grant Management
During the educational webinar on post award grant management with Kristen Krey from Kim Joyce and Associates, many questions came up. We didn't get to them all. What questions do you have related to post award grant management? tracking indirect costs, grant spend down, systems to help track, division of duties within…
Low price CRM recommendations for a growing nonprofit
Hi yall, We are a growing nonprofit, with now over 1,000 donor profiles in our current CRM. From your experience, can you recommend a low cost or free CRM that integrates with payment systems, supports landing pages, quickbooks and syncs with email list software? Thanks in advance. UPDATE (4/23/2024) Since this original…
Is there a place in the grant budget for facilities our nonprofit owns outright?
Through strong local support our nonprofit owns our campus and facility outright, so our grant budgets never include rent or mortgage. Yet it seems to me there should be some way to show this value in a grant budget. Afterall, this is money we don't have to spend to continue our programs. Can I show it in the budget as…