DorenaGeary ✭✭

Jake at 6 weeks! A hockey fan already! Dogs of Foundant inspired me!


  • We have a policy for this...I have attached it for you...happy to chat about how it actually works from the accounting side.
  • I do not allow auditor access into my system...we have information in our system that they just don't need to see in the scope of the audit.
  • We just held our TOAST! event for donors. We had 6 tasting stations of food paired with a wine tasting and a cocktail tasting. Our board and staff attended as well, mixing and mingling. About 250 people showed up. Our board chair offered a welcome, our outgoing CEO and incoming CEO thanked everyone for coming, our board…
  • This is a great plan. We are not fully functional on Foundant yet but when I worked for a FIMS foundation, we had a 'sister' foundation across the country. When either one needed help, we stepped up! When their long time accountant changed jobs, I did double duty for a few months (accountant for two foundations) remotely…
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