



  • EmilyBuck
    EmilyBuck earned the Combo Breaker badge.
    Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    EmilyBuck earned the Music Fan badge.
    Love music? You can request this badge!
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    EmilyBuck earned the Indoorsy badge.
    Do you consider yourself the "Indoorsy" type of person who enjoys cooking, snuggling up with a cup of cocoa and a good book, or watching movies with your family/pets?

    You can request this badge!
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    EmilyBuck was promoted to Level 3 Member.
    Congratulations! You've achieved "Level 3" status and three stars in Compass! Level 3 is currently the highest rank in Compass. Thank you for being one of our top contributors!
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    EmilyBuck earned the Book Worm badge.
    You can request this badge!
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    EmilyBuck earned the DEI badge.
    Your organization has initiated or implemented Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives.
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    Is your organization a member of the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA)? Request this badge!
    March 11
  • EmilyBuck
    Thank you for being part of our community for philanthropy for 1 year!
    March 6
  • EmilyBuck
    Thank you for being part of our community for philanthropy for 2 years!
    March 6