Research on Burnout in the Grants Profession

Hello All! Many of you may already be familiar w/ the incredible work on burnout in the grants profession by Trish Bachman, GPC, Bethany Planton, GPC, and Johna Rodgers, GPC. I'm Pat Duboise, GPC, and am pleased to join this amazing team as we continue studying burnout in the face of the the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, we've developed a new survey (link below) to help further our research. All responses are voluntary and will be confidential. No names or cookies will be collected. A third of the questions relate to your years in the field, area of work, etc.; a third relates to your own perceptions or experiences with burnout; and a third relates specifically to COVID-19. To ensure fairness in the results, we are asking for a wide range of respondents, including those who have never experienced burnout themselves. The survey will take 5-7 minutes to complete.
This survey will be available online from March 22 through April 5, 2021. Again, all responses are confidential. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Thank you!
Hi Pat,
I am very interested to see how this year's survey compares to the previous year. Thank you all so much for all you are doing to help everyone understand these burnout dynamics. @TrishBachman @BethanyMPlanton and @JohnaRodgersGPC did a great webinar to recap your earlier findings - recording available here:
Thanks again!
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Tammy, we received such great input through that webinar, which was early in the COVID-Year. It only made sense to look back at that year say, "Hmmmm. Is it worse? Is burnout more prevalent after the year we've had?" And, if we didn't ask that question, we would likely never have an opportunity to ask it again.
Thanks, @PatriciaDuboise and @TammyTilzey for getting this out there!!
Johna Rodgers, GPC
Owner, Principal Consultant | Johna Rodgers Consulting, LLC |
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I'm excited to be part of this ground breaking work! The findings are being used in meaningful ways - and will help us find useful and easy to apply strategies for everyone.
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This continues to help us get better at preventing burnout in the grants profession. A BIG thank you to everyone who attended our webinar and participates in the survey.
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