The 3 C's to Thriving in a Pandemic

MargitBrazdaPoirierMargitBrazdaPoirier Posts: 6 ✭✭
Photogenic Conversation Starter National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP)
edited February 2021 in Grant Writing & Management

Are you tired of the grim statistics?

...that 11-38% of nonprofits will close down within 3 years,

or that three out of five nonprofits had to cut costs last year due to the pandemic?

Like you, I want to know the latest data, but even more so, I'd like to talk about what we can do to not just survive, but to THRIVE this year!

Join me Thursday, February 25 at 12 noon Eastern Time as I present the webinar, The 3 C's to Thriving in a Pandemic.

In this webinar you will discover the exact steps to take so that you can secure grant funding consistently throughout 2021 (and beyond) AND apply these steps to every aspect of your nonprofit work, including:

  • The 3 C’s to thriving in a pandemic economy
  • The 5% Rule and why it matters to you
  • Things you can do NOW to meet your funding goals in 2021!

In advance of the webinar, please list anything YOU have found to be helpful in grant seeking this year and/or any questions...

Register for the webinar here.



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