Welcome Introduction - Hello from Idaho!

Hello Everyone,
Exciting to be here among such a terrific group. I love learning and look forward to all the discoveries that other folks have made that can enrich my grant writing experience.
My name is Diane Demarest and I live in Boise, Idaho but originally from the East Coast. Boise has been home for over 20 years. I have 3 grown children, 2 dogs and 1 cat. We love camping and hiking. Recently downsized as my husband was approaching retirement, we went too small and now we're building a house - too fun. I've had the privilege of serving as President of our Idaho Chapter of GPA that was started here with a great group of people 2 years ago. They are my go-to support for grants. I also have been getting more involved with GPA in general and wish I knew about it years ago. I've been grant writing for 30+ years but the last 5 years my full time job is as Grant Development Director at a non-profit with 20 programs. It keeps me on my toes and I get to work with amazing people. Wishing you all wonderful holidays and great sharing here at Compass!
Hi Diane! Thanks for joining! So great to have more representation from here in Idaho! (glad you came and glad you stayed!!)