bmpconsulting grant development services

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bmpconsulting offers a variety of services to assist nonprofit organizations in grant development.
- Grant Readiness: Grant readiness is your organization’s preparedness to apply for and receive grant funding. At bmpconsulting, we will work with you to determine if you are grant ready or what you need to do to become grant ready.
- Grant Opportunity Research: Grant opportunity research is evaluating grant opportunities to determine if they are a good fit for your organization and its needs. bmpconsulting uses grant databases to compile a list of grant opportunities for your nonprofit organization. And together we will decide which opportunities are best for your organization.
- Grant Writing: Grant writing is the actual writing and compiling of the grant application. bmpconsulting works with the grant team to write and compile the grant application for submission.
- Editing: bmpconsulting provides editing suggestions and proposal critiques to help you strengthen your grant applications.
- Grant Report Writing: bmpconsulting works with the grant team to write and compile the grant report for submission.
bmpconsulting complies with the strict ethical standards set forth by the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) and never works on a commission.