A Sustainable Pace for You AND Your Grant Team
Does anyone else ever feel like they need a reminder about what a "sustainable pace" is and how heroic efforts to get grants done aren't sustainable? I certainly have over the course of my career.
Here's my question/food for thought for you.
I've decided to completely close our offices for the last week of December to ensure that everyone that is on or works with our teams has a chance to recharge after such a high-pressure, demanding year of supporting our clients. I think I'm actually going to be the one that will struggle with the boundaries and despite the OOO responder, sneak into my email or tackle a few items.
Looking for tips on how you promote boundaries re: OOO for yourself and your grant team members not just during the holidays, but year-round.
I set the out of office auto email responder, voicemail, let my clients know in our monthly team meetings, put it on the grant calendars, and post a graphic on social media. And then I stick to my OOO because if I don't, then my clients will think my OOO doesn't mean anything. I have never had any client give me any pushback on it.
I do disengage work completely when I have an OOO up. I don't find it difficult because I always have a list of other things I want to do while I'm off - reading, people to see, food to eat, things to watch, sleeping/napping, etc. There isn't time to check in to work stuff.
I also shut down my computer completely so that it is kind of a pain to get back on and/or don't take it with me if I am traveling.
I love that you are doing this for yourself and your team, Diane! I also use OOO all the time. Just engaging it lets me know it's ok not to respond to email and the person on the other end knows when they will hear from me.