Hello From Dallas

What a great site. I hope to learn much and discover new ideas.
I"m the Director of Trusts, Estates and Gift Planning for Parkland Foundation, the charitable arm of Parkland Hospital.
I'm also both humbled and proud to be the board chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners.
Thanks to @KaraAdams for introducing me to this community.
Thank YOU for being here @KentWeimer! You have a lot of knowledge and experience to contribute to all our community members. I look forward to future engaging discussions!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
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HI Kent! Thank you for joining our community! We are so glad @KaraAdams brought you here and look forward to your insights.
Thanks for joining!
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Hi @KentWeimer! I wish we would have crossed paths earlier! I spent 8 years at The Dallas Foundation (officed at Old Parkland, not too far down the road from you). Now I'm a Solutions Engineer here with Foundant. Welcome to Compass!
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The Dallas Foundation is a wonderful organization. Gary Garcia, Kim Montez, Torrey Littleton are professional colleagues I hold in high regard. They are partners in a program our local CGP council puts on to educate people about the art and science of charitable gift planning and why every organization should be doing it.
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@KentWeimer that's wonderful - I miss my Dallas colleagues. Gary, Kim and Torrey are top notch. Glad we can connect here!
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Did you know that Torrey came and worked at Parkland Foundation? He was amazing. Then I think The Dallas Foundation gave him an offer he couldn't refuse to come back. Oh well.
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@KentWeimer yes! We were sad to see him leave, and of course so happy to get him back. His expertise, general demeanor and attitude were unmatched.
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And we of course were sad to see him go back.