AngelaFarnquist ✭✭


  • AngelaFarnquist
    AngelaFarnquist earned the First Answer badge.
    Answering questions is a great way to show your support for a community!
    February 24
  • AngelaFarnquist
    AngelaFarnquist earned the 5 Likes badge.
    You received 5 Likes. We like that.
    February 21
  • AngelaFarnquist
    AngelaFarnquist was promoted to Level 2 Member.
    Congratulations! You've achieved "Level 2" status and two stars in Compass! Increase your status and earn more stars by starting discussions, answering questions, reacting to posts and requesting badges!
    February 21
  • AngelaFarnquist
    AngelaFarnquist earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    February 13
  • AngelaFarnquist
    AngelaFarnquist earned the Name Dropper badge.
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.
    February 13
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