MeganDeHoog ✭✭✭


  • MeganDeHoog
    MeganDeHoog earned the Foundant Fan badge.
    Thank you for being a Foundant advocate! You're a frequent contributor, active participant in Compass and Coffee Talks, and overall Foundant Fan!
    March 4
  • MeganDeHoog
    MeganDeHoog earned the U.S.A. badge.
    You live in, or work for an organization in, the United States.
    February 19
  • MeganDeHoog
    Earn this badge by successfully completing the Foundant Scholarship Management+ Certificate exam in Foundant Courses. This signifies your understanding of fundamental features and workflows in the system, including features found in the Advanced SLM license.
    February 19
  • MeganDeHoog
    Foundant Scholarship Management Certificate: Earn this badge by successfully completing the Foundant Scholarship Management Certificate exam in Foundant Courses. This signifies your understanding of fundamental features and workflows in the system.
    February 19
  • MeganDeHoog
    Product Ownership
    Do you own/work with SLM? Request this badge!
    January 29
  • MeganDeHoog
    Thank you for being part of our community for philanthropy for 2 years!
    January 29
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