jesspuglisisanders ✭✭


  • Hi, Michelle - I did a little experiment this year and sent a bulk email to recipients once their checks had been mailed to their next stops. I included the assurance that mailing had occurred and then laid out what they could very generally expect (based on knowledge/experience) moving forward. I included a gentle…
  • Thanks, @RobinForemanWheeler - glad to know we're not on a lonely island and I appreciate the policy language! Does your renewal process/lifelines live within your overall scholarship policy? Feel free to shoot me an email if you want to chat further - Thanks!
  • Hi, Lee - We're really moving away from letters of rec as it relates to new/future funds, unless the letter of rec would serve some very specific and relevant purpose. Many of our "old" funds are broad in that there's really no distinct measure to help distinguish candidates so a letter of rec is, at times, helpful.…
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