KellieUtzinger ✭✭✭
We are so grateful for our Compass Community members! Thank you for four wonderful years of engagement! Looking forward to many more to come.🤩
@CarolReynolds Thank you for providing such helpful information!
Thank you for clarifying the question for everyone. I'm obviously in Marketing and not Finance😆
Here are a few resources shared during today's Coffee Talk: Public Service Loan Forgiveness One-Time Federal Debt Relief Plan
Good morning @KellyScott, We don't publish a list or map showing Foundant clients by region. We do host regional User Groups quite often. These are great opportunities to network with other Foundant clients in your area and learn more about the software. We send out multiple email invites for these groups so please keep a…
Are you aware of any affinity groups for funders?
You can click here to view the recording of the #FixtheForm webinar too!
@RhondaReichert Here in Bozeman, the flower pots I pulled out this week are now filled with snow!
@AlyseBraaten This is an interesting approach... have you seen this before?
@HeidiFindlay These photos are stunning!! Thank you for sharing. They definitely brighten my snowy day here in Bozeman😊
@HeidiFindlay I went for a hike this weekend and found this Spring flower blooming here in Bozeman! Of course, we woke to snow on the ground this morning....
@HeidiFindlay Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of Spring flowers... We are still waiting for flowers to start showing up here in Bozeman.
Here is a link to the podcast of the Coffee Talk on March 3.
@BethNuttall Hello Beth, I just wanted to be sure you saw Lauren's post above with the deferral policy and form. Have a great day!
Good morning Beth, Our guest host, @LaurenGrevel is going to share their deferral policy here. She is currently traveling out of the country with limited internet access, but will get that posted when she returns next week. Thank you☺️
Here are some follow-up questions from our discussion! How are you managing deferrals this year with so many students taking a gap semester or year due to Covid? @LaurenGrevel, would you be willing to share a bit more about your organization's deferral policy here? Have you changed your scholarship renewal practices this…
If you missed it or would like to hear it again, here's the link to the podcast of last week's Scholarships Coffee Talk. There were some great discussions around how some Scholarship providers have setup regional collaboratives to share ideas and support students more effectively.
If you missed it or would like to hear it again, here's the link to the podcast of last week's Scholarships Coffee Talk. There were some great discussions surrounding starting and managing emergency funds!