


  • A few years ago we created a whole evaluation framework at the request of the board who wanted to better understand the impact the funds were having. We created a User's Guide to help guide them, Evaluation Plan template, and eventually an Impact Dashboard using data from the Follow Ups. The outcomes/indicators are…
  • We have an Impact Dashboard that we complete using information that grantees submit in their Final Status Report/Follow Up. It is linked here: https://marillacmissionfund.org/application/files/5716/6386/6876/MMF_Impact_Dashboard_FY21_FINAL.pdf. We have a report in GLM that pulls in the relevant fields from the Follow Up…
  • We have an Impact Dashboard that we put together for the staff, board, and grantees, using information from the final status reports/follow ups. Link is here: https://marillacmissionfund.org/application/files/5716/6386/6876/MMF_Impact_Dashboard_FY21_FINAL.pdf.