Indirect Costs
I am looking for input on how other funders handle indirect costs in grant budgets. I would be interested in any perspectives or policies that anyone can share. I know that there is a lot more discussion out there right now on recognizing the full cost of projects and allowing for more generous indirect cost rates. Marian…
Budget Software/Tools/Apps
Our Foundation operates on a calendar year, but we are heavily funded by other foundations so many of our funds have budgets that span over several years. We find that the budgeting tool in CSuite will not meet our needs. We wondered if any other Foundations are using another software/tool or app to supplement their…
Tips for creating and forecasting a managed funds budget
As we all strive to effectively manage and grow our funds to support our mission and community, I’m interested in learning more about best practices for creating and forecasting a managed funds budget. Specifically, I’d like to hear from you on the following points: Revenue Projections: How do you estimate investment…
Budgeting Software
Hi all! The foundation I work as an accountant for is looking for a fairly simple budgeting software to utilize. In past years we have used Excel to create all of our budgets but we found it to be cumbersome and overwhelming to make sure everything linked properly between individual and consolidated worksheets. We are…