Have you met these Top 10 Members? (Plus, new Leaderboard Challenge!)

Congrats to the following Compass members for being our Top 10 All Time Leaders to-date!
@KentWeimer @BettieStammerjohn @TomWickersham @LornaSandberg @CelesteCarlson @CarolReynolds @LisaDiehl @JennieGeisheimer @TrishBachman @GaryWise
Click their names to view the profile or send a message to any of these community members, who each have a wealth of knowledge to share!
Every month, ten leaders will be entered into a drawing for a little pick-me-up! View the current month's leaders on the "This Month's Leaders" leaderboard in the left sidebar of most Compass pages or the Badges page.
To earn points and climb the leaderboards, you can:
- Start discussions, ask questions or create a poll
- Respond to other's discussions, questions and polls
- React to posts by clicking the Like, Awesome, Vote Up, Agree and LOL icons under the post.
- Request badges
- Update your profile and add a profile picture
- Bookmark Compass on your mobile device to keep up with discussions on-the-go!
- Use the @ sign to tag other members in your posts and replies (ex. @KaraAdams)
- Login to Compass regularly to keep up-to-date on what your peers are discussing!
Have fun!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
@KaraAdams thanks!
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Thanks for the info. Did not know that we could do this.👍️
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I've learned alot already - glad to have this outlet to exchange information. 😊