Verification of matching funds

Hi all,

We're trying to shore up our processes for matching funds/challenge grants. What verification forms does your organization use before sending out that matching grant from your foundation? Thank you!



  • HeidiFindlay
    HeidiFindlay Posts: 65 ✭✭✭
    Voter Foundant Grant Management Certificate 25 Likes Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM)

    Hi @elizabethmesserli

    We request a simple list of donor names and a column for commitment (yes/no) or pledge (yes/no). We ask for this several times during the grant life-cycle and we distribute our grant based upon those cycles. We no longer ask Who & How Much, but I know other places still do. I added a spot (yet to be tested) to have the report "certified" by the accounting or finance department, fundraising executive, and the CEO upon submittal to us.

    What has been working for you, and what do you think needs shoring up?


  • elizabethmesserli
    elizabethmesserli Posts: 40 ✭✭✭
    World Traveler Third Compass Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    @HeidiFindlay ,

    Thanks for your response! We had a super informal (and inconsistent) process previously. I've created this matching form that we're going to try using and see how it works. I'd love to turn it into a fillable PDF form at some point.

  • HeidiFindlay
    HeidiFindlay Posts: 65 ✭✭✭
    Voter Foundant Grant Management Certificate 25 Likes Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM)


    This looks really simply and should be working for everyone. Thank you for grouping the donations. You might want to consider pledges - will you match pledges? It makes it a little tricky for the nonprofit, but their CRM software should be tracking pledges and realized pledges.

    Could you use Foundant's Templates to create a form (ok, in Word) that would merge everything except the donations? You could include the project / grant start and end (due) dates.

    I do encourage you to have it certified by the nonprofit's leadership.