Resilient Philanthropy: #FixtheForm and Application Streamline

SammieHolzwarth Posts: 15 ✭✭✭
Wine Connoisseur Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer
edited December 2022 in Grants & Scholarships

We had a fantastic webinar today where @KariAanestad  shared the work of #FixtheForm and 100 Forms in 100 Days.

After talking through the initiatives, Traci R. Johnson, Program Officer at the Poise Foundation, shared the experience of streamlining their forms and partnering with grantees through Critical Needs Funding starting in 2020 to fund over 103 grantees who impacted more than 600,000 persons! Attached to this posted is the pdf version of the application used in this program.

Let us know if you have participated in 100 Forms in 100 Days or help us to continue the conversation on how questions to ask to simplify the application process.
