Hello from a new Foundant Team Member!

Hi all! I'm Mike deHilster, and I'm a new team member here at Foundant Technologies. I'm a Client Success Manager for community foundation clients and I currently live in Southern California. I've worked at non-profits, a private foundation and most recently at a community foundation where I managed grants cycles.
I really enjoy morning exercise, backyard bbqs and a few good old fashioned video games to unwind!
Can't wait to work with you all...
Mike deHilster
Client Success Consultant | Community GLM/SLM | success@foundant.com | Foundant Technologies
Welcome, @MikedeHilster!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|