Sharing information when working with Fundraisers for Fiscal Sponsorships and Designated Funds

MissyBelles Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes


Can you tell me how your community foundation handles sharing donation information for designated fund holders (e.g. outside giving to funds for designated organizations) and fiscal sponsor fundraising specialists? Do you allow fundraisers and designated beneficiary organizations write thank-you's for gifts made to funds via the community foundation that benefit their organization or projects?

Do you share any of the following:

  1. donation amount
  2. donor name (if not anonymous)
  3. donor contact information

If its not too much trouble, would you mind sharing your NDA agreement template and fundraising guidelines template?

Thank you!

Missy Belles

Gifts & Grants Administrator

Whatcom Community Foundation

Best Answer

  • RhondaThomson
    RhondaThomson Posts: 53 ✭✭✭
    World Traveler Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) Third Compass Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Hi Missy. We never share the donor contact information or donation amount. We will provide the donor name if the donor is not anonymous, on some occasions. For example, we have a fundholder who wrote a book, and instead of asking for money to purchase the book, they instead asked that a donation be made to their fund. We forward the names of those individuals to the fundholder.

    Hope this helps! Have a great weekend!


  • RhondaThomson
    RhondaThomson Posts: 53 ✭✭✭
    World Traveler Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) Third Compass Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Hi Missy. We never share the donor contact information or donation amount. We will provide the donor name if the donor is not anonymous, on some occasions. For example, we have a fundholder who wrote a book, and instead of asking for money to purchase the book, they instead asked that a donation be made to their fund. We forward the names of those individuals to the fundholder.

    Hope this helps! Have a great weekend!

  • MissyBelles
    MissyBelles Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
    Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes

    Thank you @RhondaReichert ! This is helpful for us.



  • MissyBelles
    MissyBelles Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
    Foundant Fan Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes

    Hello again! I'd like to word this question a little differently in hopes of receiving more responses! 😊

    Do you allow your Agency Fund Holders to view the donor name (for outside gifts to the agency sub-fund) and gift amount in the CS Fund Holder portal (unless the gift is marked anonymous)?

    Thank you ahead of time for your reply to this question.


    Missy Belles

    Gifts & Grants Administrator

    Whatcom Community Foundation