
Looking for contacts in the Wisconsin area to expand our collaboration efforts!
Feel free to email me at andrew.dudley.shannon@dudleyfoundationwausau.org
I'd be happy to start a list of contacts and send it to those who are interested!
Stay safe y'all! 😁
Hi Andrew! My name is Rosie. I'm with Foundant and also live in Wisconsin. It's spring here today!! I'm glad you started this thread and it will be great to see who else responds from our state!
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Hello! I am with the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin as the Operations Coordinator. Glad to meet you!
I'd like to connect about anything.
Hope everyone is staying safe.
Karen Wolf
Operations Coordinator
Email karen@cfcwi.org
Web www.cfcwi.org
Facebook www.facebook.com/cfcwi
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@AndrewDudleyShannon Did anyone ever reach out to you about collaboration? Did you have anything specific in mind?
Sorry to be late to the party. I'm actually in Illinois, not Wisconsin (insert joke about FIBs here) but I've seen a few models of collaboration which I'd be happy run though if you all are interested.